Centre d'usinage 
de Précision
CUP Inc. 

Our team of experts

Benoit Leduc, the President, has surrounded himself with a team of professionals with a lot of experience in all the aspects necessary to carry out each project operation. Both in terms of design, drawing, evaluation, bid development and management as well as manufacturing and project administration.

The President & the next generation

Benoit Leduc

Chairman and CEO

Benoit Leduc has been CEO of Electro-mécaniques Industrielles (EMI) since 1999 and is currently CEO of the CUP Precision Machining Center in Thurso since 2010.

His many years of experience as an industrial mechanic, machinist and designer make him a reference for carrying out all your wrought metal projects.


Catherine Leduc

Succession in training

Catherine Leduc is the President's daughter. After a few years in the workplace outside the family business, she aims to develop, over the next few years, entrepreneurial skills and technical skills in the field of machining, welding and industrial mechanics.


The administration team

Isabelle Plouffe

Administration Manager

Isabelle P. has several years of experience in the field of wrought metals as well as construction. This knowledge in accounting as well as in human resources allows him to accompany the President in his precise vision of the future of his company.


Jocelyne Fortier

Administrative Assistant

Jocelyne has been part of the EMI and CUP team for over 16 years now. She is the smile that answers you every day, while being responsible for receiving purchase orders, the health and safety file and the training of our employees. Her help is invaluable to us.


Rolland Gareau

Sales representative

Rolland "Rolly" who worked at CUP for many years and who rejoined the team in 2022, is a pillar with all this machinist knowledge. Since the hour of pre-retirement has come, he holds the position of part-time sales representative and is essential for training the next generation.


Buyer & inventory manager

Check our careers section if you are interested in a welding position.


Director of Operations

Check our careers section if you are interested in a welding position.


Our machinists & programmers

Bruno Lemay

Bruno is a conventional and digital machinist. He usually operates the digital lathe but is very versatile. His experience and his perfectionism make him a distinguished employee. The precision and quality of his work is well established. We are very grateful to be able to benefit from all this technical knowledge in machining.

Marc-André  B-Gravel

Marc-André is a machinist-programmer on the digital milling machine but is also able to perform more conventional operations. His strength in analysis, design and programming allow him to be a good companion for potential succession. He demonstrates a vision of the future on a daily basis, which is greatly appreciated by the team.

Mario Roy

Mario is a master in conventional machining having had a busy career as a plant machinist. His "field" experience makes him an essential employee in the creation and efficiency of conventional manufacturing. His current semi-retirement allows us to train younger people who are interested in the profession.

Tony Gombas

Tony joined the CUP team in 2022. He has over 20 years of experience in conventional machining. Graduated in aerospace in 2007, he has held several positions as a machinist in fabricated metals since then. He is considered a master in conventional machining work.

Sébastien Bigras

Sébastien is a new employee and apprentice at CUP. His interest in learning the trade of machinist allows us to offer him training as an operator-setter in the workplace supervised by regulated organizations. A great career awaits him in the future.

Our certified welders

Daniel Levert

Daniel has been part of the team for many years. He is a qualified welder and a very valiant and committed employee in his work. He is the colleague on whom we can count at all times and who is always available to help others.

Check our careers section if you are interested in a welding position.

Industrial mechanics

Maxime Blanchet

Maxime has been an industrial mechanic for more than 10 years and has been part of the team since 2021. He is an experienced mechanic and is able to anticipate the problems or solutions to be brought to the projects on which he works.

Edward Lefaivre

Edward is a recent graduate in industrial mechanics since 2021. He still has a few years of factory experience, which makes him a very good employee. Its versatility is its main strength which allows it to carry out any project.